Unheard Sounds is an underground music event created by Colin Schraauwers and happening at the ACU in Utrecht, Holland.
I’ve been making posters for them since 2016.
→ Dubstep / Grime / Uk Garage
Artists that already came to Unheard Sounds :
Joe Nice, TMSV, Ipman, Sepia, DE-TÜ, Muttley, BRUTUZZ,The Illuminated, Hebbe, Sweepa, Rachel Green, Xamount, Michael Pieterse, 2 HANDS ON A BELLY, Nooitgedagt, Ruwedata, Jackie, Eclypse, PUUR VUUR, Raptor, Switchface, Red Lebanon, Indubtrinate, JTATA, Ramsez,
Sparkup, DJ TR1, High Society, RYLO, Niloc Grey, Stretch, Bojcot Selectah, Jay Led, Dirty Wakka, Dharana, Anne Skank, Senzay, Rylo…